Welcome Vendors!
Welcome vendors to Bee Cave Farmers Market, brought to you by the organizers of Cedar Park Market Days. We are excited about the prospect of working with you. Please see below for vendor information. Feel free to email us anytime at beecavefarmersmarket@gmail.com
Vendor Fees and Free Application
Vegetable/Fruits: Weekly Fee: $20
Other: Weekly Fee: $30
*No Application Fee
*No Annual Fee
$20 fee - Sells produce/fruit that has been grown on the producer's land, living within 150 miles of Bee Cave.
$30 fee - This includes meat and dairy products. These products are from animals that are born and raised on the producer's land. Includes processed meats such as jerky and bacon. Also includes honey & live plants.
Value Added
Weekly Fee: $45.00
*No Application Fee
*No Annual Fee
Value-added products are raw agricultural products that have been modified or enhanced.
Includes Salsa, Hummus, Baked Goods, Dog Foods and Herbal Products, Lemonade, etc.
Commercial Kitchen must be within 150 miles of Bee Cave.
Prepared Foods
Weekly Fee: $55.00
*No Application Fee
*No Annual Fee
Foods that are made fresh and sold to the public for immediate consumption.
Examples include Shaved Ice, Hot foods such as BBQ, tacos, etc.
Weekly Fee: $55.00
*No Application Fee
*No Annual Fee
Goods made from materials either inside or outside of the market area.
Artist or seller must live within 150 miles of Bee Cave.
Examples include beauty products, paintings, jewelry, pottery, etc.
Vendor Payments are as follows:
*Vendor payments are due by the Monday of the market they plan to attend. Vendors are given a grace period of 3 days. If payment is not received by the end of day on Wednesday of market, that spot will be released to another vendor.
*We do not require either an application fee or an annual fee for participation. Vendors may participate in as many or as few Sundays as they would like. We do not require a weekly commitment.
*Booth fees are non-refundable unless proof of emergency can be shown or if a vendor provides at least 2 weeks notice. If we cancel a market, any paid fees will be moved to the next market.
*Spots are assigned, and booth assignments/setup information is sent by Friday of each market.
Please follow the link below for the online vendor application. Please allow up to 7 business days for a response.